I am a PhD student for Computer Science at Algorithmics Group and the STAR AI Lab at TU Delft with Sebastijan Dumancic and Neil Yorke-Smith, researching in the field of program synthesis, neuro-symbolic proving and reasoning, ontologies and fuzzy logics, and their application to bioinformatics.
Specifically, I try to combine these fields learning neuro-symbolic representations, thus making logical reasoning accessible to neural networks and ‘intuition’ accessible to reasoners.
One of my main projects is Herb.jl
a program synthesis library written in Julia.
Previously, I was a Guest Researcher in the Bio-Ontology Research Group (BORG) at KAUST with Robert Hoehndorf and the Neural Data Science and Statistical Computing lab (NeurDS) with Nico Scherf at the MPI for CBS.
Mar 1, 2024 | My talk on Herb.jl got accepted for JuliaCon 2024 |
Nov 16, 2023 | I was awarded a scholarship by the German National Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes) for my PhD. |
Jul 24, 2023 | I attended the first European Summer School of AI (ESSAI) in Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Apr 14, 2023 | I gave a talk at the “Neural Causal and Symbolic AI” workshop organized by the TAILOR network |
Feb 7, 2023 | I participated in the first BioHackathon MENA at CBRC, KAUST |
selected publications
- BioInfDTI-Voodoo: machine learning over interaction networks and ontology-based background knowledge predicts drug–target interactionsBioinformatics, 2021