Hello, I'm Tilman!
PhD Student | Computer Scientist | 2-Meter-Peter

I am a PhD student for Computer Science at Algorithmics Group and the STAR AI Lab at TU Delft with Sebastijan Dumancic and Neil Yorke-Smith, researching in the field of program synthesis, neuro-symbolic proving and reasoning, ontologies and fuzzy logics, and their application to bioinformatics.

Specifically, I try to combine these fields learning neuro-symbolic representations, thus making logical reasoning accessible to neural networks and ‘intuition’ accessible to reasoners.

One of my main projects is Herb.jl a program synthesis library written in Julia.

Previously, I was a Guest Researcher in the Bio-Ontology Research Group (BORG) at KAUST with Robert Hoehndorf and the Neural Data Science and Statistical Computing lab (NeurDS) with Nico Scherf at the MPI for CBS.


Mar 1, 2024 My talk on Herb.jl got accepted for JuliaCon 2024
Nov 16, 2023 I was awarded a scholarship by the German National Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes) for my PhD.
Jul 24, 2023 I attended the first European Summer School of AI (ESSAI) in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Apr 14, 2023 I gave a talk at the “Neural Causal and Symbolic AI” workshop organized by the TAILOR network
Feb 7, 2023 I participated in the first BioHackathon MENA at CBRC, KAUST

selected publications


  1. BioInf
    DTI-Voodoo: machine learning over interaction networks and ontology-based background knowledge predicts drug–target interactions
    Tilman Hinnerichs, and Robert Hoehndorf
    Bioinformatics, 2021